After all who doesn’t want their dog to live forever.
Who doesn’t want endless excitement at the opening of the front door and even more at the opening of the car door.
Who doesn’t want their dogs to enjoy the incredible benefits of fresh meat, vegetables, fruit, grains, pasta and our wonderful wellness boost?
Not us, and we’re pretty sure, not you.
Dogs bring so much joy. And helping them live their best long, lives multiplies that joy.
What’s not to love?
Long. Live. Dogs.

meet our advisory board
Our board is highly experienced in running, rolling, rampaging, racing, rummaging and relishing all life has to offer. Especially 4Legs. They mix feedback with cuddles and advice with belly rubs.
So called because he likes to a) jump into all forms of water – the muddier the better and b) dunk Donut in with him. Loves 4Legs Meatballs for breakfast.
Little bro of Dunkin. Not the sharpest tool in the shed but makes up for it in cuteness. He looooooooves 4Legs Meatballs with Kangaroo because he thinks it gives him the bounce to get out of the puddles Dunkin leads him in to.
The extrovert (There’s always one). Like a mirror ball over the dance room floor, she loves to be the centre of attention. She adores any 4Legs product with her face on it (Natural Slow-cooked chicken with sweet potato, beans and barely).
Loves to chill with his human and spend long, quiet walks along the beach. It’s all about the vibe baby. Loves anything from the slooooooow cooked range. Because life is meant to be savoured. Not rushed.
Runs like a banshee and selective hearing is her specialty. No off button, but is totally switched on to 4Legs meatballs with beef, veggies, fruit and macaroni.
Will only emerge from her trailer for 4Legs and fashion shoots. Every walk is a parade. There’s no such thing as too much bling. This girl can rock it wet, dry, muddy or messy. She’s a pro and adores 4Legs Gourmet recipe with chicken, salmon, pumpkin and parsley.
The average dog sleeps 20 hours a day. Dynamo sleeps 20 hours a month. There’s just too much to be done. Herded. Chased. Caught. Raced. And jumped. She loves to round of 4Legs Gourmet with lamb, beetroot and green beans.
A big baby. A goofy-floofy that loves a cuddle. Especially with eyes shut and tongue out. Wouldn’t budge in an earthquake. But would and does budge for 4Legs (not surprisingly) slow-cooked beef, pumpkin, broccoli and cous cous.
What’s your favourite Long Live Dogs moment?
We all want our pets to live forever. But everyone has their own reason. Maybe it’s because they’re the best snuggler, the craziest swimmer, the funniest face puller, the fastest frisbee catcher or simply the best bud to curl up on the couch with. Whatever your reason we’d love to know it. We love every single dog in the world and we’re certain we’ll adore yours.
Just fill in this form and send us your favourite photo. We can’t wait to see it.